Welcome to this
Webserver running at a
Thin Client computer
Puppylinux NL -
Solutions -
Software -
Contact -
You can download pup, pets and sfs and ISO files
Pup: is the previous version of a pet, the content of a pup is installed into the OS
Pet: The content of a pup is installed into the OS
Sfs: The content of the SFS is linked into the OS
ISO: An installable CD for puppylinux
Puppylinux.org for a CD of PET
For more pups and pets:
For some solutions see this site
My systems
Here is a list of how I use puppylinux.
- A Pentium II machine with 192 MB Ram, XFCE as Windowsmanager, Puppylinux 0.51 (Lucid)
- Puppy from a USB stick with Grub4DOS version 1, JWM as Windowsmanager
- Puppy from a USB stick with Grub4DOS version 2, JWM as Windowsmanager, Puppylinux 0.6 (Tahr)
I do a lot of typing of this webpages with the Pentium II machine and use the following programs:
- FileZilla, edit the preferences to use Geany as standard texteditor
- Geany
- NetSurf
Werk zoeken
JSlint formatter
Web techniques
An example of some loginpage is at:
Login page
About this webserver
This webserver was based on lighttpd and running on a thin-client computer,
which is a
HP T5300
Now it is served with a NanoPi NEO3 with more RAM and speed.
This way this webserver is consuming a little power, saving the
I have the full choice what I am doing on this server.
What ingredients are there for editing a website with puppy-thar
There is the famous geany editor and gftp and Palemoon-browser.
I added the lighttpd webserver made a directory web for the webserver and the webpages.
Links to friendly people
More pages on this server
An sqlite helpdesk
This program is designed to make tickets, where you can put in your things to do
Bijbel getoetste kritiek op Celebrate Recovery
A dutch webpage with a reviced version, to help people out of the bushes
Thanks for visiting puppylinux.eu